Warwickshire Flyfishers
Warwickshire Flyfishers

Parish Notice Board.


On this page I'll try to keep you abreast of all upcoming important dates such as stocking and work parties.

The next stocking of both sites is planned for January the 15th.

The comittee would like to remind all members that work may be being carried out on lakes outside the norlmal organised work parties.


If this is happening, one of the two lakes will be closed for fishing and we ask that all members respect this.


If general work is being taken out, there may be noise from machinery, however this will only be whilst the machinery is in use.



Whilst perfoming essential maintaince on the windmill at Wolvey, it has been discovered that a quantity of line has been trapped around the main shaft to the sails.


Please be careful when casting near the windmill, and if you do manage to get tangled up in it, please let the infirm the baliff.



As you may be aware, we have had a new hut at Wolvey.  We have now moved the seats across there and will continue to make it feel a bit more comfortable as time goes on.


We do ask that members do not leave any rubbish in there and take any rubbish back home, especially food and food waste (there will be humane pest control set up shortly).


We also request that members do not drive over the causeway between the lakes, and any member that does will have disciplinary procedures started against them by the committee.


The old hut will now only be used by the committee and bailiffs, with the code being changed to prevent any unauthorised access.


The signing in book will now be in a container on the outside wall of the old hut, we again ask all visitors to fill this in when they arrive and leave, even if they are not fishing.


Finaly tight lines and enjoy the new hut, I sat in there the other night before a committee meeting and it was a superb improvement on the old one.


Paul Shaw (Chair Warwickshire Fly Fishers)


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